Arrangements for sharing exam results with our students
In light of COVID-19 and the use of centre assessed grades this year, instead of examinations, there are some changes to how you will receive your results from Fareham College.
Level 3 Results Day – Thursday 13th August
We will send your results to you by email when we receive them. This might be ahead of Thursday 13th August but, as we might not receive them ourselves from the awarding body until Thursday 13th August, it is possible they may arrive with you after results day. If you have not received your results by 13th August and you want to know your results on the day please contact the exams teams via
We are still awaiting confirmation from examining boards as to when certificates will be ready for collection. We will update you when we know more.
GCSE Results Day – Thursday 20th August
GCSE results will be posted out to you and you will receive your result(s) on Thursday 20th August. Returning students will be able to collect GCSE certificate(s) during the autumn term, further information will follow from your tutors.
We are still awaiting confirmation from examining boards as to when certificates will be ready for collection. We will update you when we know more.
General points
The College will be open for support with Information, Advice and Guidance, if you want to speak with a Career’s Centre Advisor it’s recommended you book ahead via or by calling 01329 815 229.
We have COVID-19 secure control measures in place. However, if you attend the college, please ensure you follow the current guidance:
- Do not attend the College site if you have symptoms of COVID-19
- Do not attend the College if you have been in recent contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19
- Ensure you keep your distance from people who are not in your household
- Wash your hands regularly.
For any enquiries about your results please contact us via
Good luck with your results, we look forward to welcoming our returning students back in September. If you are moving on from Fareham College, best of luck in your next steps.
Additional Guidance
Additional guidance on summer 2020 qualification results for students and parents/guardians can be read here.
Based on the Governments decision, to award centre assessed grades, students grades will be awarded based on teachers assessment of progress and attainment for this academic year. Please see the following statement for further guidance:
Additional to this, we have been notified by Pearson, there may be a delay in some BTEC L1 and 2 results. If this applies to you, we will contact you directly. BTEC have also announced that they will be reviewing the grades of all QCF and RQF qualifications. Whilst most of our qualifications are QCF and only subject to internal grading, we think in most instances our students will be unaffected. Again, if any grades are subject to change we will notify you directly.
All centre assessed grades awarded have been based on the assessment of each individual student, against a robust set of criteria.
Ofqual have now confirmed that you cannot challenge your individual centre assessment grades this year. In the unique circumstances of this summer, Ofqual do not believe there is any person better placed than your teachers who could determine your centre assessment grade. In the rare event where you or another student has evidence of serious malpractice by the school, it may be appropriate to contact us directly.
If you are unhappy with your results or the appeal outcome, you will be able to resit the exam in an exam series being run in autumn this year. All subjects that would have been offered in the summer 2020 examinations will be offered this autumn.